Live Poster Session: Zoom Link
Thursday, July 30th 1:15-2:30pm EDT
Abstract: Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) is an environmental non-profit that uses conservation economics to preserve natural ecosystems, promote sustainable development, and protect human well-being. Although my summer with CSF did not entail research in the traditional sense, I executed four projects that gave me invaluable experience in the environmental field and a uniquely international perspective on conservation and climate justice:
1. Building a virtual learning experience to educate 50 participants spanning across 19 time zones on economics and finance for environmental leadership
2. Facilitating an organization-wide conversation about racial justice in the environmental field in light of Black Lives Matter protests around the world
3. Creating a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) map to be displayed on CSF’s home page outlining the countries in which we work and our country offices
4. Determining Latin American Forest restoration projects with promising potential to receive $2.6 billion USD in investment through the World Resources Institute
Belle-Brown-Summer-Research-Poster-Belle-BrownLive Poster Session: Zoom Link
Thursday, July 30th 1:15-2:30pm EDT